Monday, March 12, 2007

Safety Blanket

Nana nana booboo, I have a safety blanket! HAHA!!! I'm still sniffing the shampoo bottle but I'm not hugging it anymore;) Brian has a sweatshirt that I latched onto a while back. On bad days I wear it and it makes me feel good, other nights I sleep with it. A couple weeks ago he pried it out of my hot little hands cause he was cold...can you believe that? It was only -10 he should suck it up right?;) Anyway, he took it away and I haven't gotten it back yet...until yesterday!!! I saw him with it while he was packing so I never even looked for it when I was looking for something of his the other day but I changed his sheets and it was by the sheets. Guess who has the sweatshirt now buddy!!

I felt like I was finally loosing a little bit of my southern drawl. Let me tell you, northerners look at you funny when you come out with a big fat YA'LL. Well now my sis is in town and and my southern drawl is feeding off of hers...oh well. Those northerners are just going to have to look at me funny. I'm southern born and bred, what are you going to do?

Today is the day I'm going to go chop my hair off. I'm loosing my guts. This morning I was blowdrying it and thinking, my hair is kinda pretty. I don't really want to chop it off. But the other part of me thinks, man, forget chop, SHAVE!!! We'll see. I'm thinking I'll be chopping.

I was so excited to see the girls this morning. I feel like it's been forever. But as soon as I got here they wanted to go to bed. They've been sleeping ever since. NO FUN.

I think I'm getting much better. Yesterday my sister and I went into town and walked from one side to the other from 10-6 then we went back to Brian's, packed up and came to my house and then went shopping. I spent WAAAAAAY too much money. But I got really cute stuff. I'm sure that the budget will understand how cute the things were that I spent money on when I'm already in red and the month isn't even half over. Anyway, after all this, I was tired but I was ok and still got up this morning for work. I was actually thinking about going to class tomorrow but my professor broke his leg and is in the hospital so all classes were cancelled this week. It's the thought that counts isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.