Monday, April 28, 2008

गेत्तिंग टू थे एंड

Well I'm getting to the end here and I'm feeling better and better. I am finished with everything except for this one paper. It's a 15 page APA research article. I know I could sit down and just do it but I'm dragging. I just need to do it. I'm ready for a break. But my head has already started the break which is a problem. I started a book and I'm already 3/4 done with it and it feels SOOOO good. I am addicted to my iPod. I listen to books on it. I bought the James Patterson women's murder club series but I already had the 4th book so I listened to the first three and the series is so good that I just had to start the book. I went to start it over a month ago so I can't even tell you how good it feels!

The only thing that sucks at the moment is that I don't like being a grown up. This time that school is out I still have to work. Usually when I get to a break in school I just veg for a few days and feel 100x's better and am recharged. I'm not sure how to go about getting recharged this time. I'm going to have to learn but I'm excited about the break either way!

The next hill I have to climb is Weight Watchers. I'm really struggling here. I don't even know how to begin to put this issue into words and furthermore it's a little embarrassing to talk about. I think I'm going to use my time outside school to try to get this more under control. I bought fat pants for my fat pants the other day and I just wanted to curl up inside myself and die. I will have to gain control over this!

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