Saturday, May 5, 2007


THE PAPER IS DONE. Hopefully I'll have this class over and done with VERY soon. It is due next month so I don't really have a choice about that. But I'm hoping to be done with it in the next couple weeks. I thought this paper would never be over. It felt like it was going to be stapled to my butt for the rest of my life. I'm feeling pretty under control for the first time in months. I feel like I have a decent handle on my school work, not where I'd really like to be but better than it could be. I LOVE where I'm living. My room is fantastic and T and H are great. They've adopted me basically. I don't feel nearly as lonely as when I was at the other place. I actually WANT to be here on the weekends. I'm dreading going into town next weekend. I'm really excited to see Brian and spend some time with him but I'm settled and loving my new place and I don't want to go back to living out of a bag.

I also found an internship although I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. I was sent an email from school about it and called the "boss lady" and ultimately found out that H would be my supervisor which is a conflict of interest and could risk both of our licenses. So I can work with H she just can't be my supervisor. I have to find another which is hard to do cause no one wants the work. So I guess we'll see how it goes.

We'll I guess its time for the pics I promised.

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