Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's over!

I can't believe I have made it through my first semester as a Ph.D student. It's so weird. I don't think I ever worried that I wouldn't make it I guess it's just surreal, a couple years from now I'll be a Dr....Holy crap! I have had it in my head for years that this is what I wanted to do and I just kept going. I don't think it ever really set in that I got here. It still blows my mind.

I'm determined that FL is going to be better. I feel like once I get a job and get back on my feet I will be happier here. I know it sounds strange but I'm kinda sad I'm leaving for five weeks. I can't wait to be home and it doesn't make sense to go there for Thanksgiving, come back and go back for Christmas when there isnt' a job or school to come back for. I want to be at home. I guess I'm also trying to get used to things here so it kinda feels weird to leave for so long.

I'm looking forward to coming back to a new start with financial aid all worked out and a job school will seem so much more manageable. I'm looking forward to getting back. Brian is coming for New Years so that will help with the transition back here from being home so long. I'll get there.

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