Wednesday, December 16, 2009

OK, Maybe not

As the count of mistresses coming out of the woodwork, claiming to have slept with Tiger rises, I have to say what I said in my last post is less than accurate. I still stand by what I said, I believe that to be true. I just don't think it applies to Tiger in any way, shape or form. I think we're at 15 now but I'm not completely sure. Regardless, this is not a man who made one mistake and is trying to move on, this is a man that continuously sought out affairs over the last several years. He is obviously not the man that anyone believed him to be.

So this 'vacation' hasn't gone as I expected it would. I thought I would have a significant amount of time to study and pull things together to get ready for licensing exams and school next semester. There actually hasn't been a lot of time for that. It's really been one thing after another. I have really enjoyed being home. It makes me realize how much I miss it which isn't so great cause I was miserable before.

I think I 'rediscovered' my best friend the few days before I left. It was really nice actually. I think that will help. I met him 9 years ago this month and started visiting him in FL soon after. His house is familiar and more comforting than I expected it to be. I was actually really surprised at how safe and comforting it felt to be there. I guess its that I know it. It's really the only place in FL that I knew previous to moving.

I know that sometime soon FL will feel more like home. Part of me looks forward to that cause I desperately want a place where I feel I belong. On the other hand, it will never be home and I don't really want to ever feel that FL is home. I guess this isn't the best situation to be in or put myself in really. I'm not really sure what to do about it though. I guess just let it slide.

Whatever the case may be, it's just a few years. I can get through it.

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