Thursday, June 28, 2007

I know, I know...

Yet again its been forever since my last post so before I get a call from my mom;) I think I'll write one. You can't blame me though. I feel like my life hasn't calmed down since I moved to this dumb state. I haven't opened a book since I came home from home. The girlies make me laugh constantly but they also make me cry cause they drive me absolutely crazy. They are all over the place. Now that they are mobile I can't pee by myself. Generally I have one in my lap and the other crying at my feet wanting to be held. School work is a foregone conclusion. I actually cried over toilet paper tonight. I'm exhausted by the time I get home, forget making dinner for myself let alone doing laundry from my trip. All I see in the future is this sea of screaming, needy babies. Don't get me wrong, I love those girls and I wouldn't trade my time with them for anything. It's just hard...REALLY hard. I know I'm not a mom and I'm not getting up with them at night etc etc etc but I do spend enough time with them to at least have an idea of how rough it can be.

OK now I'm just insane. I've been yelling at Bailey for a little over an hour now about barking. She isn't a barker so I was surprised she was doing it and I was getting up in her face about it and she was shaking so I felt awful about it but the thing I just realized is that she was barking at a mouse. My skin is crawling. I enlisted the guys from upstairs and they trapped it in a bucket and took it outside but Bailey and I are still grossed out. Sorry, that just ended the writing streak. I'm going to bed.

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