Sunday, June 17, 2007

For my Mother...

My mom so kindly informed me that it had been ten days since I had posted...yeah hi mom and btw, I'm trying to take care of eleven month old twins AND go to grad school;)

The twins are getting so grown up! I looked at K the other day, I had dressed her in little baby jeans and one of those fashionable flowy spaghetti strap shirts. She looked like such a little toddler. She weighs a wopping 21 lbs while Q is still only 14.5 lbs. The three month old down the street has even hit 16. Sometimes I worry about my little Q, especially when I'm swimming in sweet potatoes she spit back at me. The pediatrician keeps telling me everything is fine, she was premature this is normal...ya ok. Q is also doing this screaming thing. Up until now they both go down just fine. You put them in their crib, gie them a passie and they just go to sleep well Q has started this thing that she'll go down just fine but 5 min later she starts screaming like she's hurt. The first few times I would run up the stairs in a total panic and find her just fine, holding herself up on the edge of the crib. If I pick her up she will promptly fall asleep on my shoulder but the same thing happens when I put her back down. I feel like I'm running this fine line. I don't want to leave her to scream but I don't want to teach her that if she keeps up the screaming I'm going to jump up and let her sleep on my shoulder.

They are both getting ridiculously active. Especially K. I realized something the other day. I was feeling bad about the amount of other things I would do when I was with them ie reading blogs. But then I decided that yes, I need to beware of the time I spend doing other things but I realized why I do it. When you are home alone with kids there is only so many times that you can play the pop-up game before you need a little adult conversation...or at least need to be reminded of the outside world. There isn't anything wrong with that as long as the kids are safe and it doesn't take up my whole day. There are moments I swear I'm going crazy and if I have to tell K not to bite Q one more time, something bad is going to happen.

School is going ok, the girls are so much more active now I don't really get any work done while I'm with them which means I'm up until all hours of the night trying to finish that 15 pg paper that I was supposed to have done a week ago but over all, all is well. I'm home for the week and I desperately miss the girls but I guess that will make me ready for 14 hour days when I get home..Yes 14 hour days. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself but we'll make it I'm sure.

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