Monday, March 24, 2008

बेक ओं थे वेईघ्त वात्चेर्स वगों

Well I'm not really sure what to do about the title language. As I'm typing it shows in English but when I post it becomes that...any ideas?

After loosing 15 lbs on Weight watchers I totally fell off the wagon. I was really motivated by being thin when I saw my family at Christmas so I was pushing. Well Bailey was attacked by a pit bull so I essentially stayed home and sat on the couch cuddling her and eating and furthermore I couldn't leave her and go home for Christmas so I wasn't as motivated. At this point I have gained back all the weight plus a few pounds. I'm not even fitting into my fat clothes anymore so I had to go to Marshals and buy bigger fat clothes. So tomorrow I'm officially back on the wagon. I'm going to go to my favorite meeting and I will re-register my weight so I don't have to wait 20 lbs before the computer recognizes I'm back in loosing range. Part of me feels like it's pointless because I always fall off the wagon. I just don't know what to do with myself about it. I have a closet full of clothes that I've bought on clearance for when I loose the weight but I never get there. I think part of my problem is that I do a really good job for a while and I feel really good about myself and then I go try on those clothes and they still don't fit. I know that's no reason to stop...its that much more of a reason to keep going. It's just so discouraging that I "need" to emotionally eat and then I don't stop. I guess it isn't pointless to fall off the wagon because every time I do I learn how to make the next time better. I know the change in weather is going to be really nice, I'm going to want to be outside a lot more.

So moving right along...I smell a dirty diaper...I need to investigate.

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