Saturday, April 28, 2007

Boot camp ROCKS!

It's been a long week. I guess in the life of this blog I haven't mentioned any easy weeks so it shouldn't stand out but I started boot camp this week. It's been the first time I've exercised since my PE. I'm also tired enough for it to be obvious that it's my firs time exercising. I have to get up at 4:45 to get there in time so I'm exhausted by 7pm and fall asleep often doing school work...often even before my Coumadin which is screwing up my INR. I'M THERAPEUTIC though for the FIRST TIME since my pulmonary embolism. That only took four months!!! Anyway, I have already lost weight from boot camp, or at least I'm carrying it differently enough that people are telling me I'm thinner. I promised myself that I would wait three weeks to weigh myself so I wasn't disappointed so we'll see how that goes. By then I probably will have gained weight from added muscle and I'll be disappointed anyway.

I'm also getting settled in with my new place. I'm so excited, I spend the first night there tomorrow. I'll take pics and post them when I get around to it;) It's not completely unpacked yet. I still have to buy a microwave and get some shelves up. Otherwise it is fantastic and I think I'm going to like living there a hundred times better than at my old place. I also get to see the girls more often this way which is not a bad thing either.

I've also been trying to be proactive in other areas of life. I think that it might be a good idea for me to think about adopting instead of biological kids. I know it is hard for women with previous PE's to have a successful and safe pregnancy so I'd like to be proactive and get some info before I talk to a few drs in my hometown when I get there this summer. I have no plans of doing it tomorrow but I feel like it is something that I need to hear now if it isn't possible. We'll see how it goes. I've totally been into the adoption blogs recently and it is so nice to read them so it really wouldn't be the end of the world, just stepping stone. There are of course a few things I might need some time with but after that I think I would be thrilled.

Well, I think I'm going to figure out that paper I've been carrying around for what feels like a year and a half. The books I have checked out have been out so long that they can't be renewed so it's costing me $3/day to have them...time to get rid of them.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


OK so I can't describe tiredness at the mooment but work with me. I'm SOOOO excited to be liveing here. Things are going my way. I'm going to be short...I want to go to bed but...the basics I'm moved in but I'm staying with the girlies for the week until I'm allowed officially in to the new apartment. Things aren't working exactly as planed but what does? So I have pics that I will give up but then I'm crashing....see you next spring...

I think that beds may find sheets a lot faster at my house if sheets could put themselves there.

You should notice here that there are bookshelves that have nothing on them. They beg out to me everytime I walk in....PLEASE PLEASE DON'TLEAVE US EMPTY, WE'LL HELP WITH THE CLEANUP.

ok blogger doesn't want me to flip the pic at all but you get the idea of chaos right?

I found literally passed out and couldin't help much in the move but as you can see we have all survived and BOOT CAMP STARTS TOMORROW.....WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I've been really busy trying to get this move organized. I haven't really gotten any school work done but I've organized packed and re-packed so that my conditions are actually liveable. I have the after pics but the before pics have been lost in the land with the socks that miraculously disappear out of the dryer.

look past the unmade bed that doesn't even have sheets.

notice how I've used bookshelves to maximize floor space

notice how there is an actual walk way ALL THE WAY to the door
I understand that you have to have seen the before pis to fully appreciate how utterly amazing these pics are but I literally COULD NOT leave this room without crawling over furniture as I was scared to crawl over something breakable in the middle of the floor.
I plan for this all to leave and move to a new location of chaos of which I will provide before and after pics that I will be sure do not disappear to sock land but that all will happen Sat with my wonderful boyfriend, boss and brother....I'm loving it aren't you? You are riveted, begging me to provide pics, screaming at the top of your lungs for my next post. I know, I know, donations are welcome.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

INR 1.2

My INR has been 1.2 for two weeks as of today, although I congratulate myself on my ability to be stable I would prefer my stability at a higher number...say maybe 2.5? Thankfully this does not freak me out even close to how it used to, it still doesn't make me all warm and fuzzy inside.


OK so I'm recovering from my mini breakdown last night. I decided that it isn't such a bad thing that I want my dog to keep me company...that's what dogs are for right? It isn't like she is or will be neglected, she's probably going to be the most spoiled dog on the block. There is going to be a little bit of pain in the butt left as far as packing but most everything else is done except stuff I will need. I'm going to visit a place tonight which hopefully will be my saving grace but otherwise I think I'll probably move into Brian's for a while with my own bed. My Dr is recommending that I not be by myself for the next little while. I think I just feel guilty. I was raised that that was wrong. God forbid someone at the seminary find out what I'm doing but these are extenuating circumstances and it is totally innocent. I feel like I need it validated but this is my choice right? I mean God moved me away from all my family to be with Brian and now I'm supposed to have a chaperone but I don't see people lining up so therefore God has left me with Brian. I'll have my own room and it won't be "living" with Brian...I guess that's an issue to deal with after I visit the place tonight.

So anyway, that leaves school work. In reality I'm doing pretty well in school work when you take everything into consideration I'm just really behind what I put on my calendar that I'd have done by now. 15 pages behind in fact. My term paper that's going to finish my first Bible class that I can't wait to get rid of. It's a church history class....SOOOO BORING! The guy teaching it is completely monotonous and the class does not interest me at all. It's not even about biblical characters, so I'm that much more motivated to get this paper done but I have to have 15 sources and its going to be A LOT of work and I haven't been able to get into it yet. But when it comes down to it, no, I'm not on schedule for school work but I'm more or less packed which I did in two days and then needed a day to recuperate...OH NO! I mean how did I think I was going to get the paper done that quickly anyway with two nine month olds needing attention. Oh well...I'm not dead and I'm not living on the street.

Monday, April 9, 2007

What are you going to do?

OK so I haven't written in forever, I know, I'm an awful person. It has been insane around here but then again, what's new? I don't have a lot of time so I'm going to do the short version. The two biggest things going on in my life right now are school work and eviction.

I have gotten a TON of school work done and as long as it isn't too conceited, I'm pretty proud of myself. I've been getting about four pages written a day. Most of the papers I have to write are 3-5 pages so that means I've written a paper a day. I'm getting through it all pretty quickly so I feel like I have a little control over it...still just as overwhelmed by the amount but not as freaked about getting it done.

Well, I don't remember if I've talked about my living situation but siffice it to say it hasn't been a desireable experience. I was thinking about moving out but my landlady took care of that for me. She wants to let her daughters friend stay in my room for the summer so I have to find somewhere else to live. Maybe this is why my school work is no longer overwhelming because I'm so unexplainably overwhelmed about this. So now I'm trying to find somewhere to live by May 1. I am SOOOOOO angry I don't even know what to do with myself. So now I'm trying to pack and do schoolwork all at the same mcuh fun is that? So I guess Brian is going to help me pack the next couple weekends and we'll see from there. Worst comes to worst, I'll put my stuff in storage and live here and there for the next little while. I looked at a place this weekend but it gave me the creeps so I'm thinking it isn't a good idea. I don't know what to do. I need to stop writing/thinking about it, my blood pressure is rising...